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Comments to this web site over the years since the fall of 1998
I think the
world of your site. Very good. I had a 108 jeep in
1968 Vietnam. I was a 304x4 and was with the 3/506th
of the 101 AB assigned to southern II Corp at Phan
Thiet. I spent the first couple of months up north
10 clicks south of Hue. Long time ago.
Thanks Chuck Throop |
I was
stationed at Tiger Town just outside of Qui Nhon
from Aug 69- Aug 70 as a ground radio operator. I'm
looking for anyone who was there during that
time. Tiger Town was the division headquarters, one
of the outposts was what we called Miami Beach
another was in Phu Cat. Our call sign was TUM
Control. Any help would be helpful. I have his email address if
you need it. -- Robin
Gary Lohr
I've just looked over your web site and really appreciate it. It is well done and I found a lot of information and names I remembered. My name is Glenn Barker and I was assigned to the 1st DASF at Yokota AB in Japan from about September 1964 thru June of 1966 (as I recall). I was at Yokota during the time when the DASFs were being formed and I went on several training TDY to Korea and the jungle survival school at Clark AFB before going with one of the first groups TDY to Nha Trang. I was at Nha Trang when we built the DASC and the Seabees complained that they gave us enough lumber and materials to build two DASC. We were not contractors - what did they expect! I got out of the Air Force in June of 1966 as an E4. I would sure like to hear from Vincent Green, Ray Golly and Tom Branham if you have their email addresses. I had a phone call from Ed Janus about 1978 but I never heard any more from him after that. I called Ed Johnson (who was living in San Francisco at the time) but never heard any more from him either. My wife and I went to Honolulu and saw Frank Hall and his family two different times. Once in 1976 and then again in 1985. Sergeant Burkhart's name was mentioned and I had been stationed with him up at Fort Churchill in northern Manitoba Canada in 1961. Then we were both in the 1st DASF in 1964. I would like to hear from any of those I served with in the 1st DASF from September 1964 - June 1966. My email address is (available by contacting me only - Robin) Thank you Robin! Glenn Barker |
I think the world of your site. Very good.
I had a 108 jeep in 1968 Vietnam. I was a 304x4 and was with the 3/506th of the
101 AB assigned to southern II Corp at Phan Thiet. I spent the first couple of
months up north 10 clicks south of Hue. Long time ago. Thanks I’ve forwarded your msg to Bob in New Jersey. The 1st DASF and 2nd DASF were located at Yokota Air Base Japan the 2nd went to Korea. James (skip) Gronski was the ground power guy who went over to Korea don’t remember any of the others going. Myself (Tom Branham) and Ed Janus along with Capt. Kaneski went to Viet Nam with the 173rd in 65 from Aug to Dec The Inteligence Sgt was from the 1st DASF also the Vehicle Repair Guy We were relieved by John Rich and Bob Emery don’t remember the FAC officer. While we were with the Brigade a group came down to form DASC ALPHA at NHA TRANG in fact when my time was up with the Brigade I went to Nha Trang. Ron Bame was the ground power guy Ray Golly and Myself were radio maintenance Vincent Green, Bill Lamb, ??? Johnson, ??? Hall were the radio operators from the 1st DASF Both the TDY to the Brigade and the one to the DASC we had people from the other DASF’s there also. I remember a Sgt Hart from the Hawaii DASF I can’t remember the names of the other guys with us. |
My name is Steven Kingsbury, I am
a SrA JTAC currently in Northern Iraq supporting the 172 STRYKER BDE Combat Team.
I’ve been a TAC now for about 4 months and I am the NCOIC of my Bn. I also
did a tour with the 501st in Afghanistan last year as a ROMAD.
Anyway I am in the middle of writing a book on ROMAD's, I know a lot of our
accomplishments from the past 10 years till the present though our past is foggy
at best. The only stories we have are hand me downs passed by the camp
fire with the 10% rule. Anyway Mr. Michael, I was wondering if you could
give me some insight to our past, our begging and development and perhaps share
some your own stories with me as well. I appreciate any cooperation you are
willing to give, if not I will understand. Thank you for your time sir. Well I have to admit I was vary surprised to see a reply the vary next day. Yes I did get the link for you from your site, which is vary impressive and helpful. The letters attached were a great insight to our foundation and development. I knew the basics but I don't want to get anything wrong and have a bunch of prior ROMAD's jumping at my throat. And you are right it should be a requirement for all ROMAD's to read about our past. Right now I am sifting through a ton of history and stories from various ROMAD's and trying to decide what to put into my book and exactly how to tell it. I don't want it to sound like a documentary but at the same time I want to include a lot of where we came from and who we have become. Well thank you for the help thus far and good luck on the continuing projects for your web site. Sincerely |
We supported the tiger division I
was there in 68 there is allot of us on the 129th.net This is our
first contact with tiger div. we have been looking. I hope we can
get more info we have pics also of headquarters and I am chasing with the crew chief of tiger
wagon now it was the ship the commander flew in. I am so excited let me get back
to you and let the guys know Thank you for your site Rick England |
I really enjoyed looking a a piece of history.
i had no idea these existed. I have not look ed at everything yet, as i have a
modem connection. My reason for the enjoyment, is the fact that i was in the 6th
DASF, \Misawa Japan from 1966-1969. I spent a lot of time allover Korea - like
camp Red Cloud, Osan, Teague(sp), geee, I would have to go look at my military
files to see where all I did go. I was Air Force and a crypto maintenance
type. thanks again for the trip down memory lane Jerry Mitchell |
Just found your web site
nice site with good info.............. I am trying to find someone that used the
AN/GRM-32 maintenance van for the 41, 47 and 25 equipment repair.......... I was
assigned to the Ft, Benning TACP from 64 to 65 and in about the first part of 65
we got a van............. being now a old fart I am into restoring old M series
vehicles etc.............. I have a restored M35A2 6x6 and have located a 32 van
in ND and want to restore it to the way I remember it............ we did not of
course have a AF 6x6 so we borrowed one from the 2nd Inf HQ outfit at Benning to
put the van on............. as I am sure you know the AF TAC vehicles were a sad
item at that time............... not many of them and we had the M38A1 ( a
Marine reject I think) versions of the jeep with a VC-104 (same as the MRC
equip) set in the back seat.............. any information you have will be very
It was Feb. 66 that the 7th went to
with the army in Hawaii. most of the DASF units were started by the shoran
personal. yes they did start this DASF. when i got to Hawaii we did not have any
equipment. we did not have commander. he came after we were in Hawaii about one
month. later on we were the first one to get the jeep and radio gear. some of
the different DASF units came to Hawaii to get trained. will look up the
info you sent to me. |
I was assigned to the 505 TAC Control
Maintenance Sq (TCMS) while in Vietnam. We were known as "Packrats." Duty
station was with the TACP, ROK Marine Bde. we started out at Tuy Hoa in
Feb 66, (I spent about 30-60 days with one Battalion down at Cam Rahn Bay) and
then back to Tuy Hoa. The Brigade left there in about Aug 66 and went north to a
place just south of Chu Li. Don't remember whether it was Phu Bai or Hoi
An. Much better accommodations. Had actual screened-in hooches the
SeaBees built them for us. GREAT GUYS. .much better than our previous
holes in the ground covered with tents.
505th TCMS http://squawk-flash.org/505th_tcms/505th_tcms.htm Check on the http://www.squawk-flash.org/ site for more data. Also http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FACNET/ for even more data. We talked to DASC Alpha (SSB) on a regular basis--to get our air. Had two MRC-108s for communications. Had one 01E. it flew everyday -- sometimes 2-3 times a day depending on need. Only thing I got out of 'nam was me.
Very important thing. we (my team (enlisted members) and the ones from the 1st
Air Cav) left Saigon, in route to Travis on a C-130. Long trip == but we
didn't care--we were out of there. We were replaced by a US Marine ANGLECO (sp?)
team Hope this helps. |
Hi Robin, Just a small technical accuracy issue. The Korean Marine "Blue Dragons" were a Brigade not a Division. I was with them in the TACP (as a 304XX) from Feb through Dec 66. Otherwise--nice site. |
Hey Robin, Who's site is the Qui Nhon site? I might have some photos he/she would like. I finally found you. Rainiest year on record in Vietnam - got that right. I have photos here someplace showing an A1E taking off and then returning later. No big thing but the return was a crash in August 1965 at Qui Nhon. Also a crash of a HU1e. Interested (if I can find them and find the time to scan them)? Diddo on both building large site and shutting
out. Can't think of a better group of guys. As soon as I get them, I send them
but, don't know when. Tom Miller |
Hi Robin, It seems your reply arrived before I sent my email (someone's computer clock must be 12 hours late????). (just letting you know). I have many, many slides of Phu Cat Air base and the Korean compound I spent most of my year in. However, I have just recently purchased a scanner so I don't have any of those slides digitized, yet. BUT, I'll share many of them with you soon. I do have a web page, actually several pages. Here is the link to my Viet Nam page. It has a link to a close up of the may where i was. I think, from looking at your web page that you were just a bit west opf the left edge of the map, correct? Out west on "QL-19" if I read your web page correct. http://www.concentric.net/~Wearlc1/viet-nam.htm I arrived "in country" October 31, 1966 and spend a few days at Saigon then went to Nha Trang and then traveled to Qui Nhon where my USAF guys took me to the ROK Capital Division (You refer to it as the Tiger Division - were they the sane or different?). There were two of us arrived that day (first or second week of November '66) and the other guy was delivered to the group of "us" that was with the 26th Regiment. I was "delivered to the 1st Regiment. About a month later we (the 1st regiment) was moved north to just East of the new (being built) Phu Cat Air Base. In that same valley was the Cav. regiment but I was never there. The area you refer to on your web page makes me wonder if that is where you were. My memory is a bit faded from so many years of time but I do remember that the two of our groups (Cav. and 1st) shared weeks of being on the air. One week on and one week off. I have so much to share with you but I'll try to "send it slowly", don't want to put you on overload". PS. When I was A1C it was E-4. It was changing at the time I returned "HOME" to SGT., so I was told. I agree with your words about my Viet Nam web Page. I put it together several years ago and didn't "really look at with a detailed eye". I just sort of stuck it together and at the time I was "satisfied". I'll get busy and "improve it". Incidentally, I assume you recognize the map in the back ground, correct? It is too dark too. It wasn't, however, back when I created the page. More design changes..... The patch (on the left) you have on your web page is exactly what "my Koreans" wore - the one with the sewn details rather than the "painted" one. I acquired one and wanted to put it on my uniform but was not allowed. So, I took an old shirt and cut out a part of the area where the button hole was and sewed my patch on it and then i could button it on whatever fatigue short I was wearing. Our Colonel like the idea so much that he got enough patches for all our guys and had a local "Seamstress" make a "patch " for everyone. BUT, I had the prototype, ha ha, (and still have it). I am not arguing about the "Capital vs Tiger Division" question, maybe my memory is too far gone. I'll check for more information that I have stashed away. One more thing, I'll locate my patch and see what it looks like scanned. It'll be a few days at least since my PC has had some problems and I am hoping adding the scanner will not cause it more problems. More later, stay tuned. I found your web page yesterday (Actually Tuesday evening) and am actually overjoyed to have found it. While you were "in country" in '65-'66 I was there '66-'67 (October to October). I also was with the Korean Tiger division and was a FAC Radio guy (you call it ROMAD). I found your site by searching for info on the MRC-108. My specific location was just off base of Phu Cat AB and I was with the 1st Regiment. There is a whole big bunch of info I wish to share with you (and photos - slides) but I'll send this short email first and await your reply. WOW! To actually "see" someone else that was there is fantastic. I went there as A1C, my AFSC was 30454 and hated being there BUT I wouldn't change a moment of it if I were able to go back and change history. Go figure. Until later, Walter Cheatham |
Robin, I found one of my few prints and scanned it. It is the gate to the Korean compound/site/post, whatever you call it, that is adjacent to Phu Cat AB. Basically, these folks had artillery, 105 howitzers, that they fired from here and, I believe they helped provide security for the Air Base. Also, I am attaching a photo of a Buddhist shrine/temple that was on the right side of the main road going North between ROC CAP Hq. and Phu Cat. I have a couple of pictures of the 0-2, FAC aircraft taking off from the PSP runway at the ROK CAP HQ if you're interested. This is an interactive map, hope it works. Phu Cat is all the way up on the right hand slider and the bottom slider all the way to the right. If you maintain those settings, you will see a town called Phu An, about center of map and 1 inch up from bottom border That is approximate location of Thunderbolt, just to the south of this position you will see a note on map that say possible fire base. The big highway is highway 19, and it is the main road from Qui Nhon to An Khe. Move slider all the way left and you will see An Khe, and its air field. You play around with this map and you can find some neat sh... ! To the south and west was one of our AO's, as you can see not many villages there. It was known as the Happy hunting ground. I spent many days in that place. Hope this transmits ok. Jack |
I'm impressed!! You have really done a
good job at putting your site together. Many of the pictures remind me of
my Korean and Vietnam days.
Thanks for sharing your site with me and good luck to you. Hoot Livingston P.S. We met today at Durham's. |
Thanks for the interesting webpage of your VN
experiences. Here are some photos of my Squad / Tac radio collection and the 3
PRC-41s that I am working on. I thought you might enjoy them.
Regards, |
Found the site by doing a search for "Tiger"
division. Then I had a bunch of choices and I looked at several, but yours
caught my eye and definitely brought back some memories. I have been to
Camp Thunderbolt, and it seems to me like that was our other site that I had to
maintain. I said Sharang Valley in my email to you, but remembered later
that it was an Army Site (post, LZ, whatever) where we went daily to pick up the
free movies (16mm) we got to watch on a nightly basis). This was our only
entertainment, other than the normal reading, drinking, BSing, etc. I
believe Camp Thunderbolt was the location I was thinking of. I didn't go
there often, mainly because it was the least comfortable, hospitable, and
friendly. As the radio maintenance guy, I pretty well had it made and could come
and go almost as I pleased. I went to all the sites when needed and was
always running errands all over the place. Driving all over the place,
places where we weren't supposed to drive. I drove up to LZ English to help with
the closedown, and down to Tuy Hoa AB when almost everyone except the FAC'S were
gone. Back to the radios, don't get me wrong, when I say maintain this
usually meant going to where the bad radios, etc were and figuring out if it
could be fixed then and there or have to be sent back to Cam Rahn Bay for
repair. We kept spares in the field and most stuff went back to CRB.
Doubt if your hooch made it through much after you left, because they built up all the Korean locations with radio ops types and, as I remember, they mostly had 4 to 5 members. From the looks of that little hooch, 4 or 5 would have been really crowded. Our hooch at ROK CAP HQ was similar to the ones seen all over Vietnam that were built by Combat Civil Engineers (Red Horse) units. I am sure they didn't build all of the but they all had the same architect. Anyway, I don't know when they changed their strategy, but none of us ever went up as ROMAD'S. We went as observers, supposedly. Of course, the pilots would let us fly the planes, shoot rockets, etc. My time sounds a lot less exciting than yours. I spent a month with MACV Team 42 in Qui Nhon, around Apr-May '71 due to the TSgt that was assigned there having Surgery on his foot. That was a nice month. Our quarters was an old Hotel right on the water on the North end of town. But, the whole town was off limits. That time is what gave me a taste for being away from CRB. When I finished my month there and went back to Camn Rahn I volunteered to replace the TSgt that was at ROK CAP DIV HQ. Since nobody else wanted the job, I got it. I just now read my APRs from RVN and they don't mention the sites by name, only "forward operating locations", and my title was, get this, "Division Maintenance Coordinator" Whoa! Anyway while I was at ROK CAP DIV moved our unit to Phan Rang AB. In late Dec 1971 I went to Phan Rang and had a couple of days to party, play cards and clear out , in that order and flew Flying Tiger Airlines (Charter) back to the states on Jan 1, 1972. About pictures. I've got a few slides and very few pictures. I wouldn't have a clue as to how to make the slides viewable to you without having them made into prints. If you do let me know and I'll see what I can do. But, don't be in any hurry because I tend to be a procrastinator. Two questions. Do you have a map of Vietnam on your website? I didn't notice if you did or didn't. And is the Polk County that is part of your email address Polk County, Florida? Just wondering. I forgot to mention that the gate to the Tiger Div Hq. looked exactly the same in 1971 as the picture you took in 1965. Jack Hayes |
Good evening. I finally found a well
done site concerning Korean efforts in Vietnam and I must commend you on it.
I was trying to find information on the net, which might show a list of Korean
Generals, who served in Vietnam around 1965-6 time frame. To date, I have
not been able to locate anything on the subject and was hoping you might be able
to steer me in the right direction or forward my e-mail to someone who might
help. Specifically, I seek information about a General Yoon Pil Yong, who
may have been with Korea's Capitol (Tiger) Division in Qui Nhon, South Vietnam
around September 1965. I appreciate any information on the subject.
Thanks... Thomas L. Nickle. |
read, with much interest,
your accounts and escapades as an involuntary ROMAD in Vietnam.
I arrived in RVN Jan 1, 1971
and after a short while at Camn Rahn Bay (21st TASS) as a Radio Maint guy
(SSgt), I wound up going all over II Corps maintaining radios, PMIs mostly.
KWM-2As, and MRC-108s. Most of the MRC-108 pallets had been pulled off the
jeeps by this time and were set up in Tactical Operations Centers (TOC) with
power provided by generators. I was later assigned to the ROK Capital
(Tiger) Div HQ south of Phu Cat AB. I was the only radio maintenance guy and had
4 sites to maintain. We had radio ops folks to do all the 24 hr a day
monitoring of the radios, assist in bringing in the air strikes, etc. I
believe we had 3 to 4 at a time at the HQ site. We also had an AGE
(aerospace ground equipment) tech with us as well. He and I were the
folks and I, by virtue of being the ranking SSgt, was the NCOIC of the site.
It didn't matter for much. We had an Air Liaison Officer and one FAC
permanently assigned with us at the HQ (Major and 1st Lt). We had an
airstrip at the HQ we entertained many visiting FAC's. By this time our
call signs were various TUM. As I remember, TUM control was at Phu Cat, We
were TUM (ting or other)01 (?), we had a site we called Miami Beach TUM 03(on
the coast south of Qui Nhon), one at Sharang Valley, and one adjacent to the
Phu Cat ABTUM 02, plus our site at HQ. Don't quote any of the numbers cuz
they may be wrong. Speaking of which, the UHF radio in the MRC-108 was an
ARC-51BX, the AN/PRC-41 was the back-packable UHF radio, still smaller than the
AN/PRC 47A which was the HF back pack. Enough on that, I am a two fingered
typist and not fast, at that. As for being a volunteered ROMAD (TACP). I got drafted while I was in Germany in 1966. Assigned to a Security Service unit at Hof AS, FRG, I decided to marry a German woman. There went my clearance and I needed an assignment. They were forming DASS units in Germany and I got sent to Schweinfurt, FRG with the 1st Brigade, 3rd Infantry Div. For our first few (4 or 5) months we had no equipment. We got AN/MRC-107As, manufactured by General Dynamics Corp. You were lucky. The original concept was that the 107s would go to Nam and the 108s would come to Germany. Well, as is typical of General Dynamics, they did not meet there contract obligation and were late getting there radio jeeps into the field. Also, as was typical Collins Corp was ahead of schedule and had many radio jeeps ready to go. USAF made the decision to deploy the MRC-108 to Vietnam (they had to have something). So by virtue of a real screw up on General Dynamic's part and a need for a communications platform for the Forward Air Controllers, Vietnam got the much superior piece of equipment. And, by the way, I was there when we started closing down bases, sites, etc. I wish I had been a real camera bug. You would not believe how fast a vibrant, functioning air base can be carried off in the back of those 3 wheeled little vehicles that were all over Vietnam. I used to remember what we called them, Cic-clo (?). Hope you don't regard this as SPAM and discard. You wouldn't believe how much work I put into it. Enjoyed your site. By the way, when we were drafted (all 304X4s) as TACPs, anyone that called us ROMAD's was in for trouble. We despised the term and of course claimed to be radio maintenance to the end. Jack Hayes, Retired 304X4/ROMAD/TACP |
As I was searching for information on the internet to complete my Korean War class assignment I had the pleasure of running into your home page. Although I'm not much of a Vietnam history buff, I'd like to say thanks for your time serving in the US Air Force. My father too was in the military at the time of the Vietnam crisis but never actually deployed from his home station in California, instead, he taught weaponry to the Army soldiers, which I assume some eventually made their way to Asia. My mother on the other hand took a different approach. Only 9 at the time the war kicked off, she eventually became a so-called "Hippie" and got sucked into the common sometimes unpopular way of life at the time. Anyways, I'm minoring in History and enjoy talking to people about US history and how things outside our borders shaped our history. Next semester I plan to take a WWII class. I've been to Europe on a couple of deployments and found what little history I came in contact with interesting so taking a WWII class fulfills two requirements: self-interest and degree requirements. Can I ask if you have time "What you think about the Iraq crisis?" and "In your mind do you think some actions being taken in Iraq are similar to the Vietnam War?" I'm just curious to see what you think as a Vietnam Veteran. Lastly, I'm stationed in Seoul Korea on an Army base, which is about 30 miles away from the nearest AF installation, and would like to see if you'd like anything from this part of the world? Take Care and thanks for protecting our
freedoms! |
Hiya Robin...
I came across your fine website as a result of a search I was doing to find out about a few of my buddies from Kessler (3385th). We were all 30454 after our stateside tours. I ended up at Kadena AB (1962nd CG), while they were at Clark AB. My buddies were John M. Johnson of West Virginia, John R. (Roger) Dewit of Grand Rapids, Michigan and I believe Wilson R. Rightmer of Texas and James L. Abbott of Ohio,. They have been part of your outfit during the timeline. I know it's a long shot...but you never know. I turned 21 in May of '65...and memory gets a bit fuzzy...now and then. Was it common to "pull" 30454s for your type of duty...FAC? Was the reason for pulling 30454s that they were trained to repair the gear? How was the selection made...did they (USAF) just pull personnel off a list? I'm working on another page for my website...to include the information above...Thanks in advance... Ok...here's the deal...I had these two buddies at Kessler and we kept in touch...mostly letters...Johnson and Dewit. Now, they had two buddies (I knew them both) Rightmer and Abbott, respectively. Dewit and Abbott were stationed together while state side at Custer AFS. I don't know where Johnson and Rightmer were stationed...but it seems that the four of them ended up at Clark AB. At the same time, I'm at Kadena. One day I get a phone call from...I think it was Johnson...I can't remember...for sure. It's during that one conversation that he(?)...tells me that he and Rightmer are not working as 30454s at Clark, but some...and I'm guessing at the exact phrase...special...op...for lack of a better term...in country. Why would they tell even that much if it was so "hush hush"? On the other hand...did you know of any 30454s that were doing radio intercept ops? I just can't visualize Abbott or Dewit doing what you guys were. Then in the 80's I make contact with Dewit... CompuServe... followed by a phone conversation. It's during this phone call that he claims to have been involved in some ops...and that he can't talk about. I don't know if he was blowing smoke or not. I'd like to write it up...but I sure as hell don't want to come across as a sucker for a tall tail...as it were...Brovo Sierra can get pretty deep sometimes. I had a high school...pre AF... buddy that went into the Army...tank mech...and ended up in Germany. Years later...the way he tells it...he was in Nam. Thanks dude... Steve Tuba |
I respectfully pay HONOR to those ROMAD'S who
have given their lives in defense of our freedoms in the past and present
conflicts. Ming Ho, Kimchee Mha Da, Ya Ba Zao.You are not alone.
My name is Mike HARPO Humphrey, MSgt Ret. USAF.27590. coin holder #313. Named HARPO by my ALO/FAC. one Maj. Hunley, a famous F-4 driver. At least he said he was famous. I was a Pack Rat (ROMAD) assigned, one year after you departed the fix, to the 21 TASS, 1CAV Regiment, ROK Tiger Division, Thunderbolt Regiment, AF location Thunderbolt Field, Phu Phong, Binh Dinh Provence, Vietnam, (Dec 1967 thru Dec 1968). I replaced Sgt Hart, and Sgt Brass, and a short red haired Sgt. I can't remember his name. Do you remember the dog named Snoopy? (Yes his puppy picture is on my web page). Went straight to the field upon arrival at Thunderbolt,; never seen maps, radios, compass, jeeps, radios, backpacks, plotters, fighter pilots or any of this stuff. Conducted CAS first day out. It was real ! For the young guns out their, that was our training. No schools, it was known as hands on OJT. I'd call it something else, but I want to keep my comments clean. Some schools and training may have made the first day somewhat easier. However, understand, the environment I was in was combat live. No amount of training prepares you fully for the real thing. Anyhow, I have a lot of historical stuff, photos, assignment lists, my original orders, etc. I am working on getting this stuff posted. Let me know who is interested. This effort will be dedicated to the memory of, Shorty Suarez, Jake Jacoby, Mike Brooks, and Roger Nichols. May God bless you all. Mike HARPO Humphrey |
Hello I was viewing your website and found it very interesting. I was with the 21st TASS. My first duty station was at Ninh Hoa, 1972. I was with a handful of Air Force personnel. Down the hill was an Army mash like unit. The thing I remember most was the big "White Horse" sign. I remember it as being a "White Horse" on a green background. I still have some pictures of it! What I was really trying to find out was about another Korean unit that I mingled with. I eventually left Ninh Hoa and went down to Nha Trang, still with the 21st TASS (tactical air support squadron). Next to Nha Trang air base was Camp Mc Dermott. That was a U.S. special forces camp. I would take Tae Kwon Do training from a SGTMAJ Moon. He was with a ROK Division there in Nha Trang in 1972-1973. Whatever ROK group was in Nha Trang at the time, SgtMaj Moon was the head Tae Kwon Don master for the Division in and around Nha Trang. Do you happen to know what Div, he might have been in? He would have been assigned to either Nha Trang Air Base of Camp McDermott special forces camp. Any info would be helpful Respectfully, Mike Ayala |
Mr Michael I just stumbled onto your website...Great - I have always been interested in ROK forces in Vietnam and the US troops that worked with them. (When I was younger I worked with a US Army Advisor / Liason to the ROK). I've was TDY several times in S. Korea (US Army 1986-2001). I have attached a picture of myself and "our" attached TACP , I'm the good looking guy on the left. We were in Afghanistan.............I get out join the National Guard and go to war !!! Crazy All the best............... Matt |
Robin, Thanks so much for responding - I certainly hope all is well and that your hospital visit is a good one! My father had 6 brothers, all of which served in some capacity of the Armed Forces. My mother's brother was a helo pilot for 3 consecutive tours over there. My father in law was in communications as well during Korea and Vietnam. I remember stories of him flying into an area, literally riding a telephone pole, the helo would lower the pole, he would make the connections, and fly off to the next one. VA visits are quite a familiar thing here. I'll try to find out more, I rarely see him these days. J.R. (Jeffrey Ronald West) told us he lived in the Tiger Camp. I had no idea of how many "Tiger Camps" there were. From his stories, I was under the impression there was just one. He was supposed to teach them English in order that our forces and theirs could communicate better. He said they insisted on training him in martial arts in return. He declined the offer and then realized he had no say in it. They kept him at white belt status for over a year, but after more training in May of 1967 he was promoted to 1st degree black belt and began to join them in their night patrols. He spent over 4 years in Vietnam with the Korean Tiger Division. His first instructors were Kim Jung-Soo and Baek Nam-Guk (stationed at the camp - do these names sound familiar?). He headed back home in 1970 and shortly there after, his instructors were killed in 1971 along with most everyone in that camp from a night attack (catching them during their sleep he said). I've heard rumors that his name was changed for some reason when he came back state side and that West may not be his original name. This sounded more like a fishing tale to me, but since I wasn't there, I really have no relative experiences to make such a judgment. Once stateside, he worked for a period with the federal marshals in prisoner transporting, etc. I'll try to get more information soon! Best Regards, Jeff |
Dear Michael, I have been a student of a Hapkido Instructor who served with the Tiger Division as well. His name is J. R. West. Do you by chance remember him? I have no idea how large a unit this was, but he served during the same time period as you have referenced. I believe he was originally there for teaching the Koreans English. Anyways, the stories he shared of their times together were absolutely unreal. Literally "edge of your seat" material. He didn't speak often about them, but did at length a few times. He held the Koreans in that unit as nothing short of heroes and wonderful allies. Are there any resources to study/learn more about them Thank you for any comments or assistance. Kindest Regards, Jeff Broome |
Dear Mr. Michael, My name is Christos Frentzos and I am a graduate student in the Department of History at the University of Houston. I am currently working on my dissertation which focuses on the use of South Korean troops during the Vietnam War. I have been scouring the internet trying in vain, it seems at times, to find US Vietnam Vets who served with ROKs and might be willing to be interviewed. I am also trying to find ROK Vietnam Vet groups so that I can get some oral histories of Korean experiences in Vietnam. Needless to say, I was very excited when I found your web site today. Would you be willing to contribute some of your experiences, and do you know of any other US or ROK personnel who may also be willing to be interviewed? Thank you so much for your time. Thanks for your response. I live in Houston, Texas, and I am currently working on a Ph. D. is U.S. diplomatic history. This research I am doing is for my dissertation, which I will eventually publish as a book in a few years. By the time I get the book finished, I'm hoping it will be a comprehensive account of US/South Korean relations during the entire Vietnam War. However for the dissertation, I am probably only going to cover through the LBJ administration. Most of my information is coming from US government archives, such as the LBJ Library and the National Archives and Records Administration in D.C.. However, I also want to include as many interviews as a can, these first hand accounts are invaluable for a dissertation. I contacted another veterans group and they also suggested checking out www.vietvet.co.kr, however every time I try to open the site, I get the Windows/Internet Explorer message that the web page can not be displayed (It says it cannot find server). Anyway, I think what I am going to do is print up a questionnaire that I will send out to those people who agreed to be interviewed. They are then free to fill out as much as they want, and can skip questions they chose not to answer. For those who are not too far away, I may do personal interviews if they are willing. Phone interviews are also a possibility. I feel it is very important for people, especially Americans, to understand that the US was not alone in choosing to go and defend South Vietnam. Most of my colleagues in grad school didn't even know ROKs were in Vietnam, and I didn't either until I began researching the topic. Thanks for your willingness to talk, and I'll let you know when I get a questionnaire ready, or if you like, we can try and set something up by phone or e-mail. Thanks again. Sincerely, Christos Frentzos |
My name is Alvin Freeman I served in Vietnam from July 1968 to June 1969. i am trying to find out some information about a battle which involved the south Korean army during that time frame. the battle was in the mountains at Nha Trang. i am trying to find a time period so i can request a copy of the stars and stripes newspaper with that story. if you can provide any information i will be forever grateful |
Robin- It has been a year or more since
I promised to send you some old snapshots of our Ragged Scooper days.
Broken scanners, lost photos, and normal procrastination have been rampant, but
I am breaking out of the mold... I told you that we had your old jeeps. I believe we had 64K64, 64K65 and 64K66 at the ROK Cavalry Regiment at Binh Khe. This was about 5 miles from the An Khe Pass, on Highway 19. (The CP was also known as Thunderbolt). The pictures are both of 64K66, One of the photos is obviously posed. I believe we had a press photographer out doing some shoots. The O1E is a Ragged Scooper from Qui Nhon, landing to pick me up at Thunderbolt for a VR mission. All of these are taken in 1966. I haven't looked into your site lately. Is it still up? You are welcome to use these pictures if you want. If you don't mind giving me attribution, please do...I'm not egotistical, I just thought someone else might recognize my name and give me a shout. If you do, use "CMSgt Derrill Ballenger, Ragged Scooper 45B". If it bothers you to do that, don't sweat it GI., just go ahead and use them. Well after all of these years, the facts might be a bit scrambled in my brain. Let's see if we can unscramble a few of them... I misspoke if I said 1965 and 1966...it actually was 1966 and 1967. I arrived late January 66 and left January 67. I arrived first at Tigertown and worked at Division HQ station (then Ragged Scooper 70) I recall the 1st Regiment being located north of Tigertown and used the call signs 71thru 74 and the Cav. Regiment at Binh Khe using call signs 75 thru 78. The theory was the 1st Regimental HQ was 71 and each Battalion assigned (there were three battalions in each Regiment) used 72, 73 and 74 respectively. Cav. Regiment used 75 as Regimental HQ and each Battalion used 76, 77, and 78 respectively. The third and last regiment (26th?) did not arrive until later. After I worked Tigertown for a few weeks, I was sent out to Cav Regiment. Being the last enlisted troop assigned, I picked up the last Battalion call sign of 78 Mike (M for Maintenance). Sometime during the year, we changed from using the 70 series call signs to the 40 series. Tigertown was 40 and the Cav. Regiment became 45. We then used letter designators for the TACP's and I inherited 45 Bravo. I try hard to remember the troops that left shortly after we arrived...but with little recall. The name Nicholson rings a bell as does a Captain Fail. Our Division ALO was LtCol. Kelly. My OIC at Cav. Regiment was Captain Hammer. The only NCO from the outgoing group I remember was out of the Philippines (5th TCG). We were all assigned from the 505th TCMS out of Saigon. Our DASC was in Nha Trang. I remember A1C DeSantis (Power Maint), SSgt Whitacre, A1C Gagner, SSgt Whitehead (My NCOIC). I also remember Lt. Flanagan, who you should remember. (He's the one who wrote the book "Vietnam - Over the Treetops". If you haven't read that book, get it. It talks all about Tigertown and our TAOR) I have been trying to print out some Vietnamese maps of our old area. It's hard to recall things using the small scale maps. I would like to get a 1:25,000 tactical topo gridded with our old Bravo Romeo prefixes. I'm still searching for that. If you were near the An Khe Pass, I would assume you were attached to a Battalion of the Cav Regiment. I don't remember where the Battalion CP's were located, so I can't help much there. I assume the mid-air collision occurred before I arrived. The pictures you have of the Christmas celebration and the USO presentation look an awful lot like the mountains around Thunderbolt (Cav. Reg. HQ.)... but after all these years, I would want to swear to it. I will be able to plot the coordinates of Thunderbolt for you. That was the only place near the An Khe pass that could handle an O1E. Everything else had to be the Hueys - Alligators and Crocodiles (Remember them?) As far as 64K65 goes, it could well have been assigned to 1st Reg. and we may have had something else. I think we had 64K64 dismounted and the radios mounted in our hooch. And of course you have seen 66 in my pictures. I just know we had three of them, one in the hooch and two in vehicles. If you'd like, I could scan a picture of our "compound" at Thunderbolt after we built a decent hooch. I was a bit surprised to see your radio jeep at Phu Cat, since I assumed we would stay with the ROK's, but I guess the logistics of staying on a base were easier than strap-hanging with the ROK's. Somewhere, I have a picture of the flagpoles at Thunderbolt. They finally put up an American flag to go along with the ROK and RVn flags. Only because we were there. Well, that's about all I can recall for now. If I gather any more info., I will send it along, late. Sorry none of the ROK troop's photos ring any bells. I did look over the maps on RJ Smith's site and pinpointed the Cavalry Regiment HQ at 801 364 on the map # 6736 I. That's what the ROK's liked to call "Camp Thunderbolt" and when the airstrip was finished there, we called it Thunderbolt. (The strip was just big enough for O1's. and L-19's) I sure don't remember where the battalion CP's were. But after looking at all the pictures on your site, if I was a betting man, I would place your main camp very near the An Khe pass about four miles west of Binh Khe. The only other location that would have that type of proximity to the large rivers would up north of Qui Nhon near Phu Cat. That would have been in the 1st Regiment's TAOR. Regards...Ragged Scooper 45B Derrill |
Hi Robin, I feel as though we've already meet because I've looked at your web pages so often. Your web pages have been a great inspiration and information source for me. I'm building up a MRC-108 jeep and would like to ask you questions if it will not be inconvenient for you. My military web page is at: http://www.softcom.net/users/buzz/Flightof14.html Thanks, Buzz |
Robin My name is James Marsh. Was a USMC corporal in VN 69-70 and served with the 2nd Bn 11th Reg. Blue Dragons around the Hoi An area. I contacted my Korean radioman counterpart about 20 yrs. ago but have since lost contact. Finding any info on the ROK involvement in VN is very difficult. Not many people know or appreciate their involvement in VN. I have been trying to get a pin ( have seen only one ) and a patch of the above ROK unit for decades. If you can help in this quest I would be happy. Also interested in any websites you may know of - they are difficult to find also. I originally found your site ( Just a Korean Units one-not your complete site-?) by typing an assortment of: Blue Dragons. ROK Marines, etc as headings. Have found the complete site now, with your history, pics, etc. I did contact the Site you mentioned and left a message on the 'forum' page. I am so happy to see something finally on the web, as you say info is so difficult to come by. Very few know of the Korean involvement, as well as units like the Ravens, the Aussies, in VN. I was 'TAD' from the 7th Eng. Bn., 1st Marines to the 2nd BN 11th Reg. Blue Dragons late in my tour. It seems every July or so the USMC did 'land clearing' OP's with the ROK's. We worked with a USMC Anglico-Air Naval Gunfire Liason. I believe he was permanently with the ROK's - called alot of air and artty. A squad accompanied me to Hoi An on my last day in-country. We never made it. Several of us were hit in an engagement. I think I had 10 days left. I contacted my radioman counterpart through the Korean embassy in NY in the late 80's, but have since lost touch. Have been trying to get a Blue Dragon patch for 30 yrs. now. Any help would be great. As a radioman I was able to serve with other units as well. Including an Army 'Duster' unit in the Mts. North of Da Nang. The 44th Arty I believe. Also spent time with a USMC infantry unit , the 26th Marines. Time spent with the ROK's was the most professional and proudest of my tour. My brother John was with 2/1 Marines and KIA 6 Oct 1968. We both spent a lot of time in the Hoi AN to Hill 55 area - Go Noi. Will keep in touch and let you know what I find out. Thanks for your help Robin, |
Hello, my name is August Bailey. I
served with the Tiger Division in Vietnam from Sept 71 to Sept 72. I
would like to locate a ROK officer who served as an interpreter, called RTO,
with me. Do you know of a site I may write to? Yep, I was in the one with the jeep, I was the RTO in the back and I was skinny then, now I have gotten a little large with the years, actually I wouldn't recognize me now. So they are a little small, I have a new scanner and haven't figured out all the buttons and whistles yet, but I will get it soon. We used to drive convoy up to AN Khe through the pass a lot, and there were operations at Cheo Reo, Ban Me Thuot, along with the move to Pleiku. Our base camp was right next to the dump if you remember. We had critters around the perimeter at night some, once a tiger, so it was interesting to say the least. I remember a lot of stuff about that time, just hard to put dates and actual locations on any of it. I still have quite a few pictures hanging around. SO as the time progresses and I get this scanner figured out I will send them on to you. I was stationed at Lane Army heliport which was about 15 clicks outside of Qui Nhon (not sure of the spelling). Lane was a firebase. WE supported the Tiger Division in II corp region (Central Highlands) I was there 1971-72. Was part of the Easter offensive of 72. ROK were great soldiers and allies. I was proud to serve with them. Thank You |
Robin, Yes, there was Co A, B, & C. The pictures you had of the mess hall was at the 299th Battalion Hqs. which was located in a valley just south of Qui Nhon. I believe it was maybe 5 to 7 miles from Qui Nhon along the main highway that ran along the coast (Hwy 1?) I don't recall the name of the valley. I spent very little time there. I was the Platoon Ldr. of 3rd Platoon, Co A. We spent most of our time NW of Qui Nhon along the coast. I said we were located next to the Tiger Div but that was a mistype. It was the White Horse Div of the Koreans. Great outfit. My Platoon was reinforced with a mess section, radio crew, and some heavy equipment. We had a crane with a pile driver for sinking telephone poles for bridge pilings. The road was about 14 miles in length as I recall and we built 6 or 7 bridges. The Viet built 1 or 2. My security was provided by the Koreans and our Special Forces operated in the area. The Koreans did several sweeps across the river at the end of the road we were rebuilding so we had very little trouble from the Viet Cong. A FAC visited our camp while working with the Koreans. We were located just at the bottom of the hill from the White Horse Div Hqs. I was thinking that it was an officer but I could be wrong. To long ago. Hope this helps. The guy (in civvies) poring the vodka could be Lt. Al Hughlett but not for sure. I was a platoon ldr in company A at the time. I've given all my pictures of the move of the 299th from Ft. Gordon to Vietnam and my 10 months in country to the Vietnam Archive, Texas Tech University, Special Collections Library Room 108, Lubbock, TX 79409-1041 (Steve Maxner, Oral Historian). The pictures are not on the web yet but I've been told that they will be in the future. I spent a great deal of my time with the Koreans (Tiger Div) NE of Qui Nhon constructing several bridges and several miles of roads out through the rice patties. I think I remember our paths crossing but it has been a few years. Enjoyed your site. Bill Autrey |
Hi Robin, I was looking around the net, and I found your web site. I was with the 299th during this time. I joined "C" co. in Ft. Gordon, then went by ship to Qui Nhon, I remember the offloading at the harbor. I stayed with the 299th until Oct of 66. I have a few photos of that time still and wondered if you would be interested in seeing some of them. I am now living in Arizona for the time being. Still think about that time and wonder what the hell was going on. I haven't found anyone else from that time. Most of the sites are from later than my time. I don't remember you or probably you don't remember me. Hope to hear from you. Boy it is weird to be typing the word Qui Nhon after all these years. I found your info really interesting, the link with the recollections and photos of Qui Nhon, I spent some time in the area in 1967 and 68. I worked some on the mountain that overlooked the town, but for the most part our company was located on HWY 19, in an area called the Charang Valley, in Bong Son, we were located about 5 miles east of An Khe pass, we were part of a signal battalion and we maintained a relay station with some ROCS and guys from the Cav overlooking Bong Son Plain, we were stationed on a hill with some ancient Buddhist temples on them, I witnessed a dozen Napalm strikes from there, and what I remember is the sun glinting off the canisters when they were dropped and the flames spreading out and forward from the strike point, they also seemed to be much larger than the picture shows. I also remember the home of spooky at night and seeing that line of pee falling from the sky, it's funny, like a lot of guys I was diagnosed with PTSD, but once I put the plug in the jug, I more or less got on with my life, but I watched the fires of the WTC from Jersey City, on 9/11, and it reminded me of Tet in 68, I was in Qui Nhon and we got hit that night, since then I don't sleep as well, which explains the time of this email. Yes, I remember the Korean division, their HQ was just over the hill behind our base camp. But no, I don't remember the names of the other encampments. I used to see some of the Korean soldiers around the base camp from time to time. Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner was served at our base camp in Phu Tai #3, outside of Qui Nhon. I will locate and scan some of the photos I still have of the time there, they are old and I am not sure how they will survive taking them out of the album, but what the hell they are all good. Sorry but I sent it in a separate e mail. This is one I took of the front of our company headquarters for myself. Thanks REP |
Hi, Finally, after weeks of preparation, I have now got everything in place so that the Grunt! CD can be launched. My apologies for not having kept you up-to-date with the project but it has been a lot more complex than I anticipated. Also, I have had to prepare a lot of new material for the launch so that your access to the new Members Area will be worth the wait. I will be uploading all new material on 1st November, 2001. Everything should be in place by 1.00pm GMT. This will include not only the usual public material but also a completely redesigned Members Area. As you know, membership to this area is being offered free to those who purchase the Grunt! CD. You will notice quite a few changes to the site overall but the basic navigation remains the same. You will be unable to enter the Members Area until I have sent you your password. On the opening page, also redesigned, there will be a link to enable you to purchase the CD. The entire purchasing procedure has been thoroughly tested and is handled by a Secure Server using SSL. Although it will look as though you are still in the Grunt! website, you will actually be on another, secure, server until the process is over - when you will be returned to Grunt! Following receipt of your order I shall send you the CD by first-class post - all overseas mail will be by air. A couple of days after sending you the CD I shall email you a password enabling you to access the Members Area. The CD will contain a mirror image of the Grunt! website as of 1st November. The only part of the site that will not be included on the CD will be the Members Area. Nonetheless, all public pages and images will be included. I have not placed any of the original documentation on the CD but this will be made available for downloading from the Members Area. I hope that you will enjoy having Grunt! on your own PC and that you get a chance to fully explore all the pages - I have now actually lost count of how many there are in total but it must be approaching 550. It might be a good idea to check out the Grunt! on CD page in order to get some idea of the recommended computer specification - this is a pretty straightforward recommendation but if you have any queries please just drop me a line. Take care. There never was a time when, in my opinion,
some way could not be found to prevent the drawing of the sword. - General
Ulysses S. Grant |
I was stationed in Tiger Town from March 1968
through then north to 1st reg. just outside Phu Cat. In Tiger Town (TT) I
believe your hootch was used as the equipment repair shed when I was there. Just
before I arrived there was a new hootch built and they were just putting on the
finishing touches when I arrived. I will try to dig up some pictures for you.
Thanks for the web page it has brought back some wonderful memories.
Dwain Hall |
I have enjoyed reading your website, many
thanks for the heads up on that. Can you tell me why you were serving for ROK? I
mean why assigned to a Korean outfit rather than doing it for Uncle Sam, as it
were. (I am not a military type by the way :))
If I remember correctly, Don Thompson was on the same team as you?? Oh yes, you're too damn good looking for your own good too! That pic. should be on the Veterans mug shot site <grin> It took me most of the morning to go around it all, in between doing my job :-) and cooking dinner :-)) about 1 to 2 hours roughly. I had a good look at most of it. I like this "personal" style website. It gives more feeling than the historical, factual kind. So, if I can get my brain cell around it, you join the USAF and are stationed at Osan Air Force Base and you get assigned to a Korean outfit. (I understand that these things happen, as an "advisor" or whatever). Then when they get assigned to Vietnam (South Korea was an ally, after all) you are ordered by the Pacific Air Force (part of the USAF??) to go also. If that's right then, by jove, I've got it! Remember I'm civilian and British to boot. Now, there's no need for pity :-) Don's original sig line was :-) Don Thompson Pull the chocks, lets get this kite in the air. Maybe it would help you if he still used it!! I can't remember exactly Don's role, it is archived at home, but he used the same kind of rig as you. His photo is on the Veterans Mug shots site but it seems to be down at the moment. I will find more detail tonight when I get home and let you know. Wouldn't like to embarrass my self <g>. I am afraid you are asking the wrong person for details about where and when in Vietnam. You'd have to point to "Qui Nhon" about a hundred times on a map before I could remember where it is even !! Your best bet would be to ask in alt.war.vietnam, good luck. If I come across anything I'll certainly let you know though. I'll send again from home a bit later with Don's addy. Sorry, I just didn't have time last night to check Don's addy, I had to stay here late and then when I got home my pond was leaking and I had to save some fish!! That's about the most heroic thing I get up to <grin>. Don regularly posts in awv though, although I think his addy is "spam trapped" in that forum! Was my synopsis of your situation about right?? I am quite interested in the Vietnam War, I have corresponded with quite a few of the guys (and gals) in awv and have learned quite a bit (seeing as I knew NOTHING when I started) and although the military facts and accounts are interesting it is the personal accounts that I find most interesting. I am also interested (now) in finding some more info about the US allies, maybe you could help me learn about the Koreans? What was it like being with the Koreans, were they very anti Vietnamese or just anti communist, were there ideals and objectives the same as the US?? Do you have any more information about the "Tigers" ?? Their history, briefly what they did during the Korean War?? I have seen the order of battle for the Korean units, this seems like a substantial involvement! What was the typical American's view of the Korean? (interesting as Korea and Vietnam are both Asian, similar parallels with recent events where not all Islamic nations are anti American). You say you were based at "Qui Nhon" , from your website you say that was a Korean HQ, were there any US units nearby? Did you move about Vietnam very much? Did you get to fraternize with your fellow Americans very much or were you with Koreans most of the time? Were your visits to the 299th Engn Bn (is that the same as the Sea Bees??) the only other Americans you saw? I guess yours wasn't a typical Tour of Duty. I'm sorry if these questions seem stupid but I am just wondering, it seems like quite a strange situation for you, being a foreigner with a bunch of foreigners in a foreign land (if you see what I mean!) Also can you tell me about the ribbons you have earned? As I have said before (to others) I have utmost admiration for any veteran and I'd like to say "thank you" for the part you played in trying to make the world a better and safer place. I hope you are well and I hope I'm not a "pain in the ass" for you :-) !! I know what you mean about the bickering, most do seem to kiss and make up in the end but I have sensed one or two deep rifts. I still enjoy it, I think the trolls are the worst but I can live with them. Like most things in life you don't get nuthin for nuthin. I'll see what I can do for you with S. Korea. I got the picture and I can imagine but I doubt I'm halfway there. Best Regards |
Robin, wow....thanks for the stroll down memory lane....I think...your web site is absolutely awesome....also visited the Polk Co. site and found that you too are a ham radio operator... me too...since march 1964....same call sign ....never changed . WA5MKU.....I collect old rigs, especially old Heath kit....have lots of them in storage....Hammarlund, Heath <Drake, Eico, Hallicrafters, etc, etc,... I recognized several of the places in your photos....the gov't took most of mine and Lots have been destroyed since then....so it was a real good feeling to go back "home".....I do still have a couple of photos of me with my Tiger Div. patch sewn under my left breast pocket. Glad to send a copy if you want them... I recognized the green tiger patch immediately....like an old friend. The Buda temple had been ravaged badly by 1969 and the ROK gates had been shot at and beaten up pretty bad but they tried to keep them in decent shape. The hair pin curve you mention on 19 was where we lost a couple of our guys coming back from Qui Nhon one night in a dus-en-half....chuck threw in a satchel charge and blew up a couple of my friends.....2 of them did make it back home but I have no idea where they are now. I remember the 1st time I went on a sweep with the tiger div....oh boy...scared outta my wits...but after an extensive sweep of a 2 klick area, we came up empty but the Koreans pulled a black pajama out of thin air...They were GOOD ! An officer staked the guy out, indian style, on top of an ant hill. started peeling skin of the guys stomach and arms with a razor blade and this VC was screaming his head off ...saying bad things about his mother and country...after they pumped him for all the info they could get, the officer yanked his head back and forced open his jaws...they shoved a flair tube down his throat and popped it off with the cover cap.....his body arched up and his chest split open and burned with all of the Korean and American guys watching.... true story....I saw this with my own eyes and wasn't about to protest a Korean officer in his interrogation methods...besides...I was a lowly PFC at that time. ( army ).... The little 3 wheeled taxi's used in the city were called "Lambretta's ".....or Lambro's....Qui Nhon beach was a blast for what time I got to see it and I took a GED at the USAFI center at the air force base. This gave me a chance to get out of a muddy paddy where I had sat for 3 days...3 hots and a cot and I have always been grateful to the Air Force since then for that golden opportunity. Never know how good that AF chow was compared to old 1947 dated C-rats. I'm definitely going to visit your site again.... I wound up at Lane aviation doing a couple of months as a door gunner...most of my friends at lane were cw.2's and drove slick or dust off's around the sky...it gave me the desire to become a helicopter pilot and I'm sending a seperate attachment of me flying a homebuilt chopper last year . I built this thing out of tubes and flat stock...sold it to a guy who saw it flying....should give you a laugh if nothing else. Brother, I salute you!! I came in the AF in
79 (at 23 years old...) and was an SP for 3 years... I retrained to be a
ROMAD in 82 and left the career field in 96 to be a first sergeant. I still
love and respect the career field and I must tell you I salute you big time. ROMAD's
today at least know that they're getting in to. I know a few other VN era
ROMAD's (304s...) and their stories are all interesting. I retired 2 months ago
with 22 + years but will always be a ROMAD at heart. Thanks for sharing your
experiences; hey, I live in Dallas, Tx now .....the chopper was fun but now I have a 2 seater that I fly. I'm going to go back to the web site and do a bit of research into my old photos and files.... There were a couple of hamlets just north and north west of Q N and I'll look up their names this weekend....I hope I can help you find a few of the places you visited on TDY. I see you're in North Carolina....ever heard of Wake Forest??? I found a Chevelle SS (1966 ) and spent 4 1/2 years restoring it to show room condition. I'm a body shop teacher at the local High school. I traced it to 17 previous owners in the N. Carolina area before it made it to Texas. I sold it last year to a fellow in Atlanta ,GA who saw it in a magazine. I seem to remember the 299th Eng Bn....I've forgotten so much....see what I can find... hope I can help. WA5MKU |
How are you doing? I have seen your message on the board of ROKMC web site. I would like to help as much as I can. I am a Korean student here in U.S. and was once a soldier in a Field Artillery, 20th DIv. which forms a 7th ROK Corp with Tiger Div. Because of this, I am kinda feeling close to tigers.. First of all, I am sorry to to tell you that Tiger Div. doesn't have any official site. However, I do know some Vietnam war veterans. I am going to forward your mail to them, and hopefully they will you enough information. But I am not sure whether they are familiar with English, though. Other options you might want to try are contact Korean Embassy, Washington D.C. There are some military Personnel and I guess they might help you. Also you can go to the official web site of ROK Army; They don't provide English service so you probably need some help from who knows Korean... Here are some web site that might give you some information: http://www.army.go.kr (army, korean
only) these are some veterans; private site: http://www.veterans.pe.kr/ (Korean only) Attached files are Briefe history of Tiger Div, in vietnam. Sorry, it's writtn in Korean. I hope you have somebody who knows Korean. Good luck!! I promise you I'll contact with if I get more information. Take care, John Yi |
Hi Robin, Thanks for emailing! Well, as you probably already know, there is a Vietnam movie set to be released sometime during the spring of next year. The photo that you saw was sent in to me by an 'insider' who was on the film set last summer. It is not a direct shot from the movie, but it's a 'spy photo' that someone took when they were filming the movie. It is not a computer generated picture--that's an actual Skyraider flying over the pyro with what appears to be NV troops? So, it's not a real photo from Vietnam, but just from the upcoming Vietnam movie called We Were Soldiers and it stars Mel Gibson and several other high profile actors. They filmed that shot somewhere in North California where the valleys and brushes looked like the La Drang valley in Vietnam. Please tell me some of the flaws you saw in this photo. I'll be happy to post this info on our site if you don't want to. Sure, you can use it for your web site too, just be sure to give a link back to our site. The only big/high quality photo I have is the one that I attached to this email. Let me know what else you need! -Nick |
Hi Robin, glad to meet another
person who was with the Tiger div...... I was there in 68-69 at Phu Tai which
was out on the road about 15 mi from Qui Nhon.....in the Phu Tai valley.
People just don't believe me when I tell of how crazy those Koreans really
were.... I know we had a large encampment of them when I was attached
...don't know how many but Phu Tai is a good place to start as they had a good
size base camp at that time.
It's a good bet that if you were TDY with them , then you were probably at Phu Tai at one point or another...the valley seemed to be a localized area for all of us who were attached to their groups. Let me know if this helps any.... remember eating Kim-chee ??? hot stuff >> Lynn Darling |
From: Logwood, Harold (HLogwood) Subject: Qui Nhon Message: I served with the Air Police Unit at Qui Nhon over six month before returned to Nha Trang for final tour of duty. I remember being stationed at the outpost with the Tiger Marines. They use to go into town and had some fun. Remember? They did not like the Vietnamese and remember learning my first lessons on speaking a little of Korean language. Do you remember a pilot that was shot down in enemy line who was later saved by an another pilot. I think he received a medal for the rescue. Was the saved pilot named Fisher or was he the rescuer? I was a young African American A/2C. |
Was just up the road from you but 66-67.......
Damn, I didn't think any of us were out there........ Outstanding web
site........ So you got the jungle training etc. Hell, I was just
out there with mostly the 1st brigade at the LZ level.... How about lz
pony, uplift, hammond, english and a few others I don't remember? I have
always had the highest respect for the ROK Troops....They are truly
warriors......Be talking to you...... Lee |
In a way I don't want to write this. The
Unit I was in was the 1 BN 30th Field Arty. We were (from Nov 1965 to May
[when I left RVN] to May 1996 anyway) the only unit that was authorized to wear
the Korean Tiger Division patch on our left pocket. I was the
American RTO along with another named Nick Schmidt (we rotated) that was
assigned when needed. I was the only one in my battalion with a Top Secret
Security Clearance that had to go over and pick up the Cripto Messages. I
remember the people manning the the Black Truck were Air Force Communications
people that also wore the Tiger Patch. In fact, if you remember...the only
way ANYONE could get on their base was, that they had to be wearing the Tiger
Patch. Also, in your reviews you forgot to mention that these Tigers
practiced Karate from Morning to dark and they smelled of Kimshi real bad. Russ Colby |
Mr. Michael, First of all I hope that you are doing well. My name is Harold P. Johnson and I was attached to the 602 Fighter Squadron, Viet Nam, Udorn Thailand, Pleiku. Our aircraft of assignment was the "Sandy ", A1E Skyraider during the years Aug 1966- Aug 1967. I will be brief, I am trying to find the names of the pilots that were downed during that time that were attached to the 602nd. If you could assist me in any way or just point me in a direction I would greatly appreciate the gesture. I have been surfing the net and could not come across that information. I came across your sight and was very impressed by the attention to detail and the way you have attended to all of the information. It brought back many memories and the need to quench the thirst for information was increased. Like you I need to get information to fill in the gaps and possibly get some closure to these thoughts. I spent many hours with some of these men and after all of these years I have a need to reach back and reconnect. If you can Help I will be most appreciative. Thank you in advance for any consideration given. RESPECTFULLY, |
Hi Robin, Just looked at your web site brought back a lot of memories, I was Airman First Class assigned to 105 TAC Control Maint. Sqd, ( Pack Rats) We had gray berets and packed radios for the locals . I was with the Army advisory team 34 in Dalat. I mostly flight followed the FAC and called in for Heavy Ord, 250 - 500 GP, frag, High Drag, Napalm etc what ever the target required. My call sign was Verbal Estate 80, I went up from time to time and flew rear seat in O1E Birddog .I was there from , Jan 66 to Dec 66, we had a lot of hot action from time to time and the would be a long lull of nothing. My FAC's call sign was Baron 65, We had two guys that went down right before I got to Dalat , Lt Simon and Kendall, we lost a Army Pilot while I was there in Dalat his name was W.O. Mudd, flew in to a Power Line south of us around Phan Thiet I believe. He and a Major were out VRing the area. His Call Sign was Head Hunter . Sorry I don't have any patches or any memorabilia, all I had burned in my mother-in-laws house. The most significant Medal I received was a made up Bronze Star with the Palm leave by some guys you said I had acted above and beyond the call of duty, got into it with a black Sgt who was over us always sending us out on missions but was too scared to go himself, One of my students forwarded you request to me, but I am unable to help you. I came shortly after you and was assigned to the ROK 25th "Tiger Div" about 10 miles NW of Qui Nhon near Lane Army Air Field from Feb. 66 to May 4th 1970. I was assigned to Det. 14, 1st Special Ops Wing (Spooky, Stinger & Shadow) and then loaned to the Koreans as a communications specialist, with duties to include all ground to air communications to Det. 14 as well as with the 37th TFW. It was my job to double check the Bravo-Romeo coordinates prior to passing them to the gunship's to insure that my body was NOT where the miniguns were going to impact or where the napalm was going to land. I reported directly to an Air Force type Col. named Trimble, but most of my chain of command went through the Koreans, including a Capt. Pak at Qui Nhon, and a MSgt. Baek at Lane. Sorry I couldn't help more...Welcome home.. Some familiar call signs....C-123 agent orange droppers were "Bookie" or "Ranch hand", Super secret C-47 radio signal followers were "Prong", C-7A's were "Ellis" or "Soul", all local A-1's were "Sandy", and F-100's and later F-4's were "Buckshot" or "Warhawk", and AC-130s out of Thailand were "Spectre". B-52s out of Naha and Kadena in Okinawa were "Bongo". Shortly after you left, we had a rather stupid VC that would hide on the mountain next to the airfield and shoot into the cockpit of departing aircraft. After all else failed, we called a Spooky in and when he received fire from his (this is great) LEFT side, he simply put all guns on line and blasted this moron into little tiny gooey pieces. This was the last time that anyone fired at aircraft from that hill... tried to mail you earlier. Don't know if I got through. Hence herewith again. Sort of stumbled across your page. Reason for contact: I am on the -history of- the ROKAF, nowadays. And the other military air elements of the ROK. I know ( Francillon's book) that the ROKAF was present in Nam. But I also have seen pictorial evidence of at least one Cessna Birddog with ROK Marine Corps markings, taken at DaNang. Since you seem a capable aviationist and an aircraft photographer as well: do you know of additional specifics of ROK planes in Vietnam? And/or pics? (The ground operations the the white horse, the blue dragon and the white tiger units I am already acquainted with. And also that he bulk of the ROK troops operations were usually US Army airlifted. But that is beyond my current scope. Anything? Thanks in advance, and all that. Jim W. |
Dear Robin, I have been examining your web page on your tour as an FAC. I find it very interesting. My Dad was an FAC during the Vietnam War in 65/66. His name is Kenneth Owen; was in the air force. I seem to remember him being stationed in Dalat and Pleiku during that time. My Dad has described in words much of what I see at your site here. I remember him describing where the Captain of an O1-E Birddog would take him up on mini-bombing runs of light targets. He would drop WP grenades out the window according to the Captain's command. The targets would be small grass roofed structures and the rational would be to more efficiently destroy those targets rather than using lots of bombs with fast moving fighters to destroy something like a grass hut. Anyway, great site. I certainly enjoyed it. Marc Q. Owen |
(H&S Co 2/7 (1964 - 1965), my mos was 2571
(that's a "Special Radio Operator" who never had a "special radio" [can't
consider those #@%*&!$ PRC-47s "special" because they weighed so damn much and
carrying them wasn't fun] ) in the Tactical Air Control Party (can't say
Tactical either, as all we did was napalm the heck out of them and throw the
grunts on helicopters), retired PFC with 28 months in grade (did it but, never
got caught), happy and still proud (to have been 28 months as a PFC; to have
been in Vietnam and to be a Marine -- irritated, but still proud). Marketing And
Creation www.marketingandcreation.com No Name given |
Dear Robin, I don't know if you're connected to the Polk Co. Web Site or not but if you are some how it is connected to Qui Nhon, Vietnam and Qui Nhon's Airbase. A question was asked if anybody knew who's choppers the pictures were of. The closest I can come is from a crashed chopper which hit at the base in August of 1965. It belonged to the Outlaws (on nose of chopper). I'm sorry that I didn't respond sooner but we have about 15" on the ground. I found the site through a search of Qui Nhon on Yahoo. I was one of the unfortunate ones who was attached to the ARMY in II Corps in 1965 while serving with the 2nd Battalion 7th Marines. We were there until the end of October and then went under the control of the Marines and moved to Chu Lai. Our CP was at Phu Tai (4) about 10 -12 miles west of Qui Nhon. I however, was stationed with the Marine detachment HMM-161 (those H-34's) at the airbase in mid August of 1965. I've tried to find out about the Outlaws and will some time soon as they fit into my screen play. I was in Vietnam until December 20 or so of 1965 as I was wounded and they flew me first to DaNang then to Saigon but, I was so far out of it I only remember bits and pieces. I'm doing a series (15 total) of paintings on Operation Harvest Moon currently. I'll attach several pieces to this letter. I did live in Milwaukee at that time then moved to Idaho to attend school and currently live in New Jersey. Divorced father of two (18/21). I liked what I saw but don't that the following wrong. You asked a question about the helicopters but didn't leave a method for any answers to get back to you. I did several sites but don't bother much with them anymore as I don't have the time. My first was my own (see below). Got to run the plows are here and I have to clean out some spaces. Semper Fi, |
Hi Robin,
Really enjoyed your site on the web....well done with excellent layout and info......Im a Vietnam vet also (TACP 1st Inf Div 66-67)..Whats really strange is that upon my arrv in nam ..(Feb 66)..I was initially assigned to the Tiger Div ROK and orders were cut and I was just about on my way, when things changed (Unk reason) and I was assigned to the Big Red One (1st Inf Div) at DIAN (between Saigon and Ben Huy. I have a page on the web (nothing like yours) about my tour.....take a look. I was a SSgt when I arrived in Nam, After a couple of months they made me NCOIC of the TACP at 1st Inf Hq. I flew with the FAC's whenever I could, but it wasn't much. Sure enjoyed the best of two worlds,....The army left me alone and so did the Air Force. You know the feeling. Had the best of both worlds. Had a good bunch of boys working for me and they really did a wonderful job with little on no supervision. We used 30454's thru out the 1st Inf, no radio operators, but that changed towards 1967. Sorry no patches. I remember feeling pretty lucky that I didn't get the tiger div, Didn't want to be eating all that kimchee and rice. The Tiger Div had a very tough reputation, and I had heard story's about how mean they could be, and how the VC feared the Koreans. Don't remember anything about the 602 DASS. I spent 25 years in the Air Force and retired in 1975 as a MSgt, and settled in Calif. (Bakersfield) But I am from Baltimore, Md. Where are you located now? I think you just did your 4 years right? You must have alot of computer knowledge from the looks of your web page? Take care .....An old TACP buddy.... JOHN ROSSO |
Hi Robin, Glad you enjoyed my pictures. I took a look at yours and enjoyed them as well. I've gotten to know a guy who's been back twice who just returned from his latest visit. He called me Saturday and gave me a run down on his trip. It's one I was suppose to make with him but was unable to because of a motorcycle accident in August that I'm still on crutches from. I also sent guy who flew Caribous in Nam to your photos a couple of days ago. His name is Peter, and his photos are at http://www.petester.com/usaftbo.html#otherpics . I'm sure you'll enjoy them; some beautiful shots from the air. You might be interested in joining a group I belong to called the Pleiku Pals. About 250 vets or vet's family members, most, but not all, of whom served in/around Pleiku. It's a great bunch. We discuss things thru a moderator via email. Our "leader" is a former AF officer named Doug Bulen. Take care, |
Robert, I am in GREAT sympathy with your search. I have been on one just like it for years! I was also a ROMAD, assigned mostly to Europe. I was a member of the 601st DASS, stationed in Frankfurt Germany (actually at Bonames Germany, at Maurice Rose Army Airfield--and Army Cobra base). All of my records were lost in a house fire in '75 here in the states. I was stationed with the 601st from '70 until '74, and participated in almost a hundred missions, mostly black. I was primary liaison with Army V Corp armor, and with I Corp. I also supported the 7th SOS (Special Operations Squadron) at Rhein Mein AFB. I spent several years (511 days) in the field supporting wars and "activities" that were "were never at" and several more we on served in "humanitarian" ways, including the Cyrus invasion by Turkey in '74. We supported that according to current AF records, by flying in "supplies"! Said "supplies" consisting of 3 ROMADS, several hundred k lbs of bombs, and several F-4s for support. We were in the main fighting (observing of course) when the Turks landed. I picked up an 8mm in the leg, for which I received a "cannot be posted to records" Purple Heart and an Airman's Medal for the days activities. All awarded in the black. My DD214 simply says "and other classified awards".... Anyway.... I have been searching for ANYTHING about the 601st, and it has ceased to exist! Or ever having existed! The 4th ASOG (Air Sepcial Operations Group) history (4asog.com) says they were originally the 601st, but it was deactivated in '57 and not reactivated til '84! USAFE, USAF HQ, and Special OPs histories do NOT include the 601st, neither does the HQ outfit, the 601st TAW at Sembach. We disappeared! The ONLY place I can find a mention of me OR the 601st is in the 7th SOS pages, that mention me as a "friend" of the outfit that was stationed at the 601st! (7sos.com) I found one individual (through a Sembach dependant web page) who knew of someone that was a SP at the 601st in '72. He was recently the airman of the year for CA ANG. I went to the web page and found his picture and bio, and it listed the 601st. I sent a message to him through the webmaster for the CANG, and tolded him this story. He has disappeared form the page and the webmaster AND personnel director at CANG HQ says they never heard of him! I also found my old commander on the USAFHQ retired officer list (af.mil.gov). I sent him the same story and asked that it be forwarded to him. I received no answer and he no longer appears on the list, neither can Randolph AFB help me locate anyone by that name! (Col, the BG Ret, Jerry L. Christ) I have found two dependants who's dads have died, that were also there and had no records available to prove it. Every time I find someone who knows something about this, they disappear. I have posted this many places including with Charlie Heidel at Romad.com. But so far zilch! If you have found any search areas for something like this I would appreciate any help. I cannot imagine ANYTHING that the unit did or could have done, official or not, that would have it go totally black! The 602nd, 603rd and 604th even have web pages. (I have a 604th DASS patch) I also found a major AF patch collector that remembers someone in the late 70's buying up anything that refered to the 601 DASS and DASC. He doesn't remember who, but said they were paying way over top dollar for all they could get. I broke my back and had to get out of radio and the teams just as they were being split up to create the first career field of TACPS and CCTs. I was accepted for CCT but went down with a broke back. Got back to the states and within a year, my house contents were burned while we were moving into base housing at a remote AF station in Maine. I had the housed under the VA, and was moving out (after being gone 4 years) and was selling it. The VA local agent had it emptied one weekend and had all my stuff burned (records, uniforms, marriage stuff, kids stuff, everything in the house) because he said he was told we had abandoned it, even though the VA mortgage was still in fact being paid. I took him to court and a VA lawyer got me thrown out of court. I lost every record of my life prior to '75. I thought then it was just a strange quirk of fate. Now I am not so sure, because the rest of my life has disappeared just as well. I am starting to think the paranoids and conspiracy nuts are right! I am telling this where ever I can, and if I disappear in the night some time, I did NOT run away with a teeny bopper or something! Good luck in your hunt! I found your page by one of the search words I commonly look for, ROMAD. I do not have a marker for the 602nd, but I ran across it somewhere. I was searching under dass, dasc, or dasf I think. It may have been an individuals page about the 602nd. I know the 604th has one, and does the HQ (601st TCW at Sembach), but they have been no help. Whatever, or whoever took the 601st black, has some serious juice. The things I described, as well as successfully deleting a unit form several other units AND other services records took some heavy horsepower. I wasn't really joking about disappearing some night. Everything I send or receive on the subject, I copy to a couple of friends through several cutouts called anonymous re-mailers. Even I don't know the end address! But they will have all the data (as well as these letters) if I fail to turn up some time! Like, I said, the paranoids may be partially right after all. It's not paranoia if they really ARE after you, is it? Your site was ok, but a little disjointed. Not really clear where to click and where you'll go, but ok. I am not the best critic, I only maintain one site most of the time (www.SatelliteARC.com). If you hear anything on the 601st let me know, and I will now start consciously looking for your data too. Paul E. Andreasen, TSgt (Ret), USAF |
Greetings Robin, I just took a look at your site and it sounds like you had a very interesting career in the AF. You've also got a lot of really interesting and unique stuff and I will cruise there again when I get some more time. In answer to your questions about the units you were assigned to: I'm not familiar with either the 2050 Tactile Air Control Group or ADUTM. The only Tactical Air Control Groups I'm aware of in SEA were the 505th and the 506th (though I don't have any official info on it). I also don't have much information on the DASC's other than that they were part of each Corps area and I believe they were the liaison between the Army and AF for the coordination of Combat Air Support (CAS). If you can shed any light on them, I'd appreciate it. If it's OK with you, I'll put a link to your site on the 505th page. I think many of the viewers would find it interesting. Keep up the good work. Ken Kimbrough "Pyramid 36" |
Hey Robin
it was nice reading your web page. I'm a TACP (Tactical Air Control Party) ETAC (Enlisted Tactical Air Controller) BALO Trainer (Battalion Air Liaison Officer) stationed at Osan ROK, Damn that was allot of acronyms wasn't it. I enjoyed reading your history. I learned some of the original history from my Grandfather Andrew Rose who was an original FAC also. Later he became an officer and flew the B-58 then the F-4 until he retired as Col. Next time I call him Ill ask him if he has any information about you I can relay. Sincerely Cowboy |
Mr. Michael, I have just found your great website. I am currently a ROMAD in the USAF stationed at Ft. Lewis, WA. I have also served a year in South Korea at Camp Casey. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you sharing your experience in Korea and Vietnam. Its quite a history lesson about the career-field. Lots of things about the job have changed, but a lot is still the same, too. Thought you might like to know that the MRC 108/107 radio system was taught up until 1992 when I went through my technical training at Ft. Walton Beach, FL. Our career-field still proudly supports the US Army with Close Air Support, too. Again, thanks! V/R |
Spent a year in Tunduchon, Camp Casey as NCOIC
of the 1/503d Inf. Reg. (Air Assault). I am sure my time there was a hell of
a lot easier than yours. Excellent web page. Thanks for your
contribution to our world.
V/R |
I apologize for the huge delay. I've been
involved in several projects and didn't get to play with the page as much as I
wanted to. I've added your name to the database and have updated the email
listing. Looks like you got around some. You would be surprised to
know that up until 1990 we were still using the MRC-108 communications pallets.
Just not in jeeps, they are in HMMWVs now. We finally dumped the last one
in 94 and went to the New 206 pallet. In my opinion we took a step
backward but that's just my personal opinion. Its an nice gadget, it just
does not have the output. 100 watts total. pretty ugly. I put your webpage link on the webpage and will add it to the "personal webpage" page also. You have allot of great information. For instance, I didn't know we were once authorized the ausie hat. Nifty. Ill have to research more and work on the history page to get it up to speed. I'm in the process of rebuilding the pages. I don't like the Tabs too much. makes it hard to locate what I want. I'm going to go with expanding menus instead (on the left side). Might take a week or so to get all the pages up to par. V/R |
No I don't mind at all, you picking my
brain. At my age, it needs all the exercise it can get. and who
doesn't love to tell war stories. I live in Alexandria, Virginia, just on the outskirts of Washington, D.C. The Air Force left me here when I retired in 1985. My last assignment was to the White House Communications Agency at the White House. Let's face it...regardless of the job, the 304X4's can always do it! I do know exactly where Tryon is. A year or so ago, my wife (who is a church organist) met a Lutheran pastor at a music conference. He was from Tryon, and told my wife that if she moved to Tryon when we retired, he would insure that she got a job as the organist in his church. So being the dutiful husband that I am, I searched the internet for all info I could find about Tryon. A neat sounding place. I would really like that mild weather zone that you natives brag about. But retirement is still a few years away. Maybe she will forget about it by then. The Cav Regiment to which I was assigned was indeed part of the ROK Tiger Division. I had the Tiger patch and the yellow "Thunderbolt" ribbon of the regiment. I can still remember exchanging the division yell "Meng Ho" every time we went through the gate. One of my saddest moments was removing the Tiger patch from my fatigues when I got back to the States. The Army troops are allowed to retain their combat unit patch on their uniforms as long as they wish. Not so in the AF. The 1st Regiment, which I assume was the parent unit of your battalion, was staffed up to about 2,000 when I was there. When the 26th Regiment arrived, I think the division strength (including the Cav. Regiment) was up to about 8,000 by 1967. That was a long time ago...... Recalling all of these things makes me remember that I always had intentions to get an old map of our old stomping grounds for keepsake. Maybe I will renew that effort. I have more than a passing interest in my combat tour in Vietnam. I am presently working for the U.S. State Department as a Security Systems Engineer. Vietnam is one of my areas of responsibility. So when the US established diplomatic relations with the government of Vietnam, we had to open an embassy in Hanoi. So I did the security system design for the contractor who renovated the building. I got to visit Hanoi twice to oversee the construction. It's quite an interesting place...and a place I never thought I would see. The people there are very friendly and don't think about the war very much. Most of the veterans are old and the young people only see the stuff in the museums. Which, by the way, is very interesting. I have a photo of me standing by a pile of several different kinds of US aircraft which were shot down in or near Hanoi. We also built a new Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City (it will always be Saigon to me). It opened last summer. Saigon has changed very little. Still the noisy boisterous metropolis it always was. The only difference is there are no Army trucks rolling around. We tore down the old US Embassy in Saigon. The government gave us back our old compound and buildings. After the old embassy came down, we built a new Consulate next to it. There are still lots of American kids (now adults) that can claim American citizenship and come to the US. There is lots of thriving business in Saigon, but very little in Hanoi. That's no surprise, huh? That's communism for you. You never said how much web-surfing you do. Have you ever checked the web site www.romads.com ? Lots of the modern ROMAD types swap stories there. It would be a good place for you to link your web site to. There are about 15 sites that other ROMAD'S have. Another good site is the "Raven" FAC site. I think it is www.Raven.org or something like that. I haven't seen too many Ragged Scooper references. There is one site by a Ragged Scooper that went with the 173rd Abn Brigade. He was working out of Pleiku. Well, enough for now. I gotta go fix a radio for the Civil Air Patrol. You know us old 304X4's.............. Regards...Derrill...Ragged Scooper 45B |
Robin, I really enjoyed looking through your
website. Listening to the way you described things back in 65-66 made me
realize that some things never change. We are still doing the exact same
mission you did back then under allot of the same conditions. Obviously
there have been some major changes since then with the advent of better (read
this as lighter) communications gear and vehicles (Hummers). Most of the
Officer positions have gone away and the enlisted guys are now doing the actual
air-strike control. The comparison between the A-1E and the F-4s and other
fast movers is the same argument we are making now between the A-10 and the
F-16s. The A-10 can stay in the target area longer, can carry more
ordnance, and moves slow enough to actually see what he's bombing. I've
been a ROMAD / TACCS / ETAC / TACP since 1985 and have enjoyed every minute of
it. As a matter of fact the first comm system I was assigned at Fort Hood,
Texas was a MRC-108 in a 1966 M-151A1 Jeep. It was kind of amusing since I
wasn't born until 1967. I'm currently stationed down at Lackland AFB in
Texas as the ROMAD recruiter. I brief all the males entering Basic Training and
tell them what TACP is all about and get them to change their jobs to come be a
ROMAD. It's allot of fun having such an impact on the future of the career
field. Anyhow, just wanted to say thanks for doing what you did back then
by laying the groundwork for the best job in the AF. It was a privilege to
look through your page. Best of luck to you, |
Umm... Honolulu? Heh Actually there isn't much in the quarterly report for the first year or two in Vietnam (299th) From what I gather they were scattered somewhat in the highlands. A short history report gives an idea of some of the area they were in.. it follows.. On 16 July 1965 the 299th Engineer Bn was alerted to movement overseas to Vietnam. During August and September, the battalion received new vehicles, equipment and filler personnel. The main body departed Fort Gordon on 27 Sept 1965 by troop train bound for Oakland CA and thence by ship aboard the USNS General Edwin D Patrick. The advance party departed Savannah Air Force Base on two C-130 aircraft on Sept 28, 65 and arrived in Vietnam on 1 October 1965. The main body of the battalion arrived on Qui Nhon on 22 October 1965 and was assigned to the 937th Engr. Group (combat). A battalion Bivouac site was immediately established in the Phu Tai Valley, about 10 miles SW of Qui Nhon. On 1 November 1965, the battalion began its first project, the repair of Route #19 to An Khe, the main supply route to the 1st Calvary Division (airmobile). Initially, the battalion utilized borrowed equipment for the project until its own equipment was off0loaded from the African Crescent between 5 and 14 November 1965. Shortly afterwards the battalion was assigned other combat engineer projects in support of the 3rd Brigade of the 25th Infantry Division in the vicinity of Pleiku, the Republic of Korea's "Tiger" Division in the vicinity of Qui Nhon, and logistical units of the US Army in the vicinity of Qui Nhon, and logistical units of the US Army Support Command in the vicinity of Qui Nhon. The battalion commander of that time was Lt Col Reuben L Anderson Jr, took over command from Maj Harry V Dutchyshyn on 26th Aug 1965 Hope this helps.. Neil |
Robin, I was never in V N. I was 506 TCMS Udorn RTAFB Thailand, TDY to Project 404 in Laos. Our HQ was 504 CSGp, Bien Hoa RVN. Went over Oct '69 and came back June '73 Attached is a picture of myself with my ROMAD Steed. Don Thompson Pull the chocks, lets get this kite in the air. |
You're in luck, I found that I still had my
CDCs from when I was a young buck just starting out in the FAC business. OK here
we go: HF Coffin is really a 718F-2 With the exception of the actual layout the parts ie; HF, UHF, VHF and FM systems are identical to the MRC-107. Don't know if you got your reply to your question, but here is what Vince Fox sent you, he and I both used the 108/107 in the M151 from 1985 on up. Also, he forgot some of the portables, the PRC-66 UHF, the PRC77 FM and the (at the time new) PRC104 HF. Here's the list Posted by Vince Fox on November
17, 1999 at 12:13:23: Regards, |